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The Young Brains of China Project 
Promoting bicycle helmet use in China.

The Plan
A once in a lifetime promotional opportunity.

A major Chinese university will make wearing bicycle helmets mandatory on campus.

A sponsor will provide the helmets at no cost to the students.

Since this will be a first for a university in China, this will generate widespread domestic and international media attention.

The idea will spread to other universities.  Bike helmets will become associated with being progressive, intelligent, and with having a bright future.

Picture:  Poster boy for helmet use in China.  "My brain is precious."
Click to see our public service promo.

History of the Project - read more

For the University

Recognition as a progressive institution where student safety is important and their brains are protected.

Enhanced "name recognition" in China which will help to attract students, professors and funding.

Enhanced employment opportunities for the graduates.

For the Sponsor

A helmet company sponsor will get immediate brand recognition and market share in China's huge untapped bicycle helmet market.

Other sponsors will gain very positive public relations and image enhancement.

History of the Project - read more